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Nanotechnology: The Power of Small

When scientists work at 80 thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair, there are great promises...and critical concerns.

Beginning broadcast in April 2008, this 3-part series of Fred Friendly Seminars explores the societal, ethical, and personal implications of advances in nanotechnology.


To purchase a copy of this series, please contact Films Media Group by phone at 800.257.5126, email, or visit Films for the Humanities and Sciences.



Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth

In November 1999, millions of television viewers tuned in to the national PBS broadcast premiere of Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth, a ground-breaking four-part series that focuses on the fascinating but little known realm of microbes – the bacteria, viruses and fungi that populate the unseen world around us. 

To purchase Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth for home viewing, call 1-888-423-1212. Or order the series on-line from A&E. Educators who want to purchase the series for classroom use may also call Annenberg/CPB at 1-800-LEARNER.
Intro to Microbiology.jpg (2293506 bytes) Unseen Life on Earth: Introduction to Microbiology

The telecourse and video series consists of 12 half-hour programs that cover various aspects of microbiology giving microbiology educators a unique opportunity to dynamically teach complex topics and enhance students' understanding of the microbial world.  The series was produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting.





Interested educators and institutions can purchase a curriculum package including the 12 half-hour programs on videotape, a faculty guide and rights to duplicate one set of videos. For more information, call 1-800-LEARNER or visit Annenberg/CPB online. Instructors may request a free preview tape. (Interested parties outside the United States should call 1-847-475-7433 or email



To purchase a copy of this series, please contact Films Media Group by phone at 800.257.5126, email, or visit Films for the Humanities and Sciences.